Patron El Alto Premium Tequila 750ml
Patron El Alto Premium Tequila 750ml
Pauls Liquor Outlet Store (Western Sydney) -Please call us 02 9622 7956 for preferred location
11 Hill End Road
Doonside NSW 2767
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Patron El Alto Premium Tequila 750ml
Patrón El Alto is a masterfully crafted tequila made from the finest 100% Weber Blue agave, cultivated in the elevated regions of Jalisco, Mexico. This exceptional spirit is predominantly crafted with Extra Añejo tequila, expertly blended with Añejo and Reposado expressions, each aged to perfection. The tequila is produced using the time-honored Tahona method, which requires meticulous attention and care. The agave is slowly baked in traditional clay ovens for several days, then gently crushed with ancient volcanic stone to release its rich flavors. It is then aged in a carefully selected blend of 11 different barrels, primarily hybrid casks of American oak and French oak heads, imparting a remarkable complexity and smoothness. The result is a refined tequila with sweet, dried fruit notes, complemented by hints of figs, honey, caramel, vanilla, and a subtle touch of dried fruit, creating a uniquely rich and luxurious flavor profile.
ABV 40%
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NSW 2767
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NSW 2147
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NSW 2747
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NSW 2754
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NSW 2164
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NSW 2171